Text-Painting and Form in Wolf's Der Feuerreiter

Measure #'s
Rhythmic Textural
Characteristics (piano)
1 - 14
Chromatic (ascent)
triplet 8ths
[general alarms]
15 - 22
Chromatic to F#7
triplet texture
Refrain 1
23 - 26
Tonal: Em - Bm under B Pedal;
cadence m. 26 on F#
tremolo on B pedal
27 - 34
quasi-tonal: piano ascends to m. 35
contrary outwards motion;
two 8th block chords, separated
by triplet 16ths
Fire Rider's theme
35 - 42
Chromatic to F#7
'Crowd' texture combined with
'Fire Rider' texture
Refrain 2
43 - 46
Tonal: Em - Bm under B pedal;
cadence m. 46 on F#
tremolo on B pedal
47 - 54
Tonal: D - A
repeated 8ths, block chords

55 - 62
increasingly chromatic;
harmonies become contorted as text describes horror and Devil's conjuring;
wild climax!
repeated 8th block chords,
to outwards chromatic contrary motion
Refrain 3
63 - 70
Fire and/or Devil 'rages in the mill'.
dotted eighth to sixteenth;
descent at m. 67 - 70
71 - 83
Tonal: dm - A
Fire Rider's fate revealed;
mill collapses

dotted eighth to sixteenth;
outward contrary motion (2 legs)
84 - 91
Chromatic to F#
"crowd" texture
Refrain 4
92 - 102
Tonal: Em - Bm under B pedal;
cadence m. 102 on F#
straight 8ths on B pedal;
extended firebell alarm
103 - 110
Tonal: D - A
new melody
8th block chords

111 - 120
Chromatic to F#
mill encounter aftermath
dotted rhythms
Refrain 5
121 - 130
m. 121 - 124 Em - Bm under B pedal;
m. 125 - 130 Bm - Em under F# pedal;

normative progression is reversed;
while Bm is final sustained chord,
F# is final sounding sonority
half-note block chords;
rhythmic density decreased to end of piece

music fades, like 'ashes', into nothingness, dreams, cold bones;
recall of the firebell